Pack de 6 String Coton Femme - Multicoloured

Discover our range of thongs Fila and Puma on French Market. Available in several colours. These thongs, in addition to being of the most beautiful effect, will know how to guarantee you an optimal comfort throughout the day.
There are 6 products.
Pack de 6 String Coton Femme - Black
Women's Cotton Thongs 2 Pack - Black
Women's Cotton Thongs 2 Pack - White
Women's FILA Cotton Thong - White
Set of 4 Women's Cotton Thongs - FILA STRING PACK 03
The thongs féminin of the brands Fila and Puma offrent a style and a confort incombyables.
Fabriqués à fromir of weaveu extensible and breathableant, its shave conçus for s'adapter à yourre body and vou offrir a freedomté of morvement maximum. Ils shave endoweds of costsseams flat for éviter the irritations and of thisintures extensible for a meilleure ajustabilité.
The neckleurs vives and the details mstateallics ajoutent a allche d'élegance and of modernity à yourre look. The thongs féminins shave byfaits for the activités sportives ou tor any otherre opportunity où vou supporthaitez vou feelir à l'aise and libre of vou morvoir.
"In more, theur faible incombrement in make a option idéale for the travelages."What are the benefits?
- Matériaux of haute qualityity for a durationabilité maximumale.
- Design élatedgant and intemporel for s'adadapt à tollows the styles.
- Technologie avancee for a performance optimale.
- Technologie anti-transpiracy for a confort and a fraîcheur hardables.
- Tissu breatheant for a meilleure circulation of l'air.
- Neckpe précise for a silhouette flatteuse.