Sport Leggings
Equip yourself properly for your training sessions with our sports leggings
There are 8 products.
Women's AKTIV Sport Fluo Legging - Yellow
Women's AKTIV Sport Fluo Legging - Pink
Women's AKTIV Sport Fluo Legging - Orange
FREEGUN AKTIV Women's Microfiber 3/4 Sport Legging - Yellow
FREEGUN AKTIV Women's Microfiber 3/4 Sport Legging - Orange
FREEGUN AKTIV Microfiber Women's Long Legging Grey - Pink
FREEGUN AKTIV Microfiber Women's Long Legging Grey - Orange
Ce theggings Sport Aktiv Freegun for femme is byfait for tous vour entraînements.
It is endowedé d'a neckpe longue ou 3/4 go toon yourre préférence and is disponible in gris and noir. Sa matiera douce and extensible vou offrwill a sensation of confort and of liberté tout at throughout of yourre séance.
His taille haute vou apportera a handtien optimal and ses costures flat reof theirhave the frottements and the irritationations. Vou fort également compter on his breatheabilité and its rsistance à l'humidity for vou allowettre to restt at frais and à l'aise hardant vour entraînements the most intenses.
Très polyvalent and peut êbe utilisé for the sports of tous the niveto.
Morlant and offre a liberté of morvement totale. It is aussi très extensible for s'adapter à eacheach morvement.
Respirant and offre a excellente circulation of l'air.
Léger and do retient not the sueur, this which in fwould a excellent choix for the sport.
It is availableonible din a varisé of neckleurs and of styles for s'adadapt à tollows the goûts.
Abordable and sustainable this which in fmade a excellent choix for the activits sportives.
It is facile à porter and à initver in raison of his neckpe morlante and of ses costures flat.